Tiertafel Hamburg e.V.
The Tiertafel Hamburg e.V. is a non-profit association whose mission is to help pet owners who are in financial need due to unfortunate circumstances. We see ourselves as an interface between pet owners and the local animal shelters that would take in these animals if necessary, which of course can be neither beneficial for the animal nor for the humans. Because one thing is clear: our animals do not lack love. Many of the animals that come to us are ill or even chronically ill, which is why our ambitious goal is to care for as many animals as possible in the most species-appropriate way possible, which is admittedly often difficult with 800 animals a month. Not only the species-appropriate food supply is important to us, but also the medical treatment, and this is also taken care of as best as we can. As we live solely on donations, any support is great and we are so happy about the regular donations from Vegan4Dogs, which are often the last resort for our highly sensitive animals. Furthermore, we are of course very happy to be able to present ourselves and our work here. Since March 2020, we have had to hold our services completely outside, naturally in compliance with Corona and with a detailed hygiene concept. The fact that we have been able to continue without any gaps at all fills us with pride and is not a matter of course. The additional effort is enormous and so is the additional demand from people who need help for their four-legged friends. But giving up was never an option for us, we love what we do far too much for that. For more information, see: https://tiertafelhamburg.de/