Lorelai Mini
- Description LorelaiFor crunchy, loving momentsComplementary Food for DogsMy deep friendship with Eddie gave me the inspiration for Lorel… More
- Composition CompositionPotato Flakes, Potato Flour, Fresh Celery, Peanut Paste, Sesame Seeds, Fresh Spinach, Black Cumin, Dried Shiitake (2%), Alfalfa, Thyme (1,5%), Rosemary (1%), Rock Salt, Spirulina, Nori FlakesAnalytical ConstituentsCrude Protein 9%Fat Content 7%Crude Ash 5%Crude Fibres 3%328 kcal/100gKeep More
- Reviews
Product information "Lorelai Mini"
For crunchy, loving moments
Complementary Food for Dogs
My deep friendship with Eddie gave me the inspiration for Lorelai. I hide the crunchy cookies for the snoopy little nose, roll them to him, or he snacks them right out of my hand.
Eddie’s mouth waters at the savory taste of Shiitake and peanut refined with the aromatic herbs thyme and rosemary.
Feeding Recommendation
Small Dogs 1-2 pieces per day
Medium Dogs 2-3 pieces per day
Large Dogs 4-6 pieces per day
Each dog is different; you know your dog the best. Adjust the amount of food according to the vitality, age and health of your dog. Take care to always provide sufficient amounts of fresh water.
Animals Say Yeah!
Potato Flakes, Potato Flour, Fresh Celery, Peanut Paste, Sesame Seeds, Fresh Spinach, Black Cumin, Dried Shiitake (2%), Alfalfa, Thyme (1,5%), Rosemary (1%), Rock Salt, Spirulina, Nori Flakes
Analytical Constituents
Crude Protein 9%
Fat Content 7%
Crude Ash 5%
Crude Fibres 3%
328 kcal/100g
Keep Cool and Dry
1 of 1 reviews
Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
14 November 2022 15:34
Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars
knuspert lecker & duftet köstlich ✨
Meine 3 jährige Mischlingshündin Marlene liebt diese wohlriechenden Knusperkekse. Sie bekommt sie regelmäßig als kleine Belohnung. Da ich gerne verstecke und Marlene gerne sucht ist das für uns Beide immer eine große Freude ❤️
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