2016 – The year of legumes
The United Nations go for legumes.
According to a ‘Spiegel’ article, the United Nations have declared 2016 the year of legumes. It is intended to ensure a more sustainable diet. Spiegel reports that pulses are enjoying ever greater popularity. They are now available in many supermarkets in different varieties.The ecotrophologist Nadia Röwe from the aid infodienst association in Bonn said:
Legumes are a good meat substitute because they are so rich in protein.Other components such as vitamins, minerals and secondary plant compounds are also mentioned. The dietary fibres are particularly emphasized, since they prevent functional disturbances of the intestine such as constipation, by binding water when swelling and thereby increasing the stool volume. The intestinal activity is stimulated. Also the topic flatulence is not omitted. Nadia Röwe recommends eating pulses regularly to prevent side effects and to slowly increase the amount at the beginning. It is nice to put legumes in the first row. With us for humans and dogs.
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