Leni´s Kitchen

You imagine cooking for your dog is tricky?
Cooking for your dog doesn't have to be difficult. In fact, cooking together can be very fun and bonding.

Get to the pots and pans
We know that cooking for your dog may sound like a big task at first, but have no fear - Leni has already created delicious vegan dog food recipes for you and your dog.
So you can easily cook for your dog yourself and provide him with all the nutrients he needs.
With our supplement V-Complete, you can ensure a balanced dog diet.
Have fun trying out our recipes!
Soybean Dumplings
Tasty taler to snack on1 daily serving for a 15kg dog (33 lb)It's no longer a secret that soybeans are little all-rounders in the kitchen. But not only in the form of tofu or other soybean products, but also in this recipe, the little bean has made a fixed place for itself in the menu. In China, soy has been one of the most important basic foods for about 5,000 years and is known as the "sacred grain". The soybean made a name for herself in Europe comparatively late, starting in the 20th century. To this day, it is considered one of the most important crops in the world and is cultivated throughout Europe. Soya is also cultivated in Germany and thus does not have to have long transport routes.
Lentils with Rutabaga
An autumnal wintery dish1 daily serving for a 15kg dog (33 lb)With this simple lentil rutabaga recipe, the rutabaga - which, by the way, was named vegetable of the year 2017/2018 in Germany - gets a small stage. Originally from Scandinavia, the vegetable came to Germany in the 17th century, at that time still under the name "Swedish turnip". In the meantime, the winter vegetable is known in German-speaking countries under a wide variety of names, from Turnip to Rutabaga, Butter turnip, Turnip with soil, Runke, Runkelrübe, Wruke, Dotsche, Dodschn, Knutsche and Kamputze. But it is not only the names that are diverse, but also the growing areas, which are located across the globe in all moderate climate zones. The harvest season in Europe stretches from September to May. Especially in the winter months, rutabagas were an important food reserve for the population in Germany. Combined with pulses such as lentils, fantastic dishes can be conjured up, especially in winter, when the choice of seasonal vegetables is more limited in our latitudes. Lentils are easier to digest than peas or beans, but as always, it is important to mince everything so that it is easy for dogs to digest. The small protein bombs are versatile because they can be stored very well in dried form.
Happy Meal
Yummy Chickpeas with Vegetables1 daily serving for a 15kg dog (33 lb)This Happy Meal not only makes you visually happy, but is also full of essential nutrients. With lots of vegetables bursting with micro and macronutrients, plus tasty little balls that add variety to the dish, it's a perfect combination. Chickpeas and tofu bring a good amount of protein, but also shine with their high iron levels, calcium and phosphorus, which are important for bones and teeth. The rice and oatmeal are easy to digest, especially in the shredded version, and also score points with additional protein. The oil adds a healthy dose of fats, which are important for absorbing the various fat-soluble vitamins from the meal and providing essential fatty acids.
Couscous kisses Zucchini
White Beans with Couscous and Zucchini1 daily serving for a 15kg dog (33 lb)And it's courgette season again! This green vegetable is harvested in June and August in the local fields, but there is also a great regional offer until autumn. Botanically speaking, courgettes belong to the pumpkin family. In our latitudes, it is a very easy-to-care-for plant that can reach up to 5 kilograms if not harvested beforehand. They also contain a good portion of vitamins, such as vitamin C. In addition, they also score with potassium. Among other things, this mineral supports a healthy heart rhythm and prevents cardiac arrhythmias. Combined with couscous, valuable nutrients such as iron, niacin, magnesium and proteins are added. White beans also bring iron into the game, can bind cholesterol and toxins and are a valuable source of protein. Fats also play an important role in a balanced dish, so a little oil along with cashew puree is a great way to round things up. Cashew butter in particular stands out with calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. The combination of ingredients complements each other perfectly and tastes good too!
How to Cook Peas
Cook peeled PeasMakes about 3 CupsPeas are one of the oldest cultivated plants of all. Not only that, they are also a great source of protein and contain various B vitamins that play an important role in energy metabolism. They also score with vitamin C and minerals such as potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. By the way, hulled peas are not a separate type of pea, but merely peas that no longer have a shell. This has the advantage that the shelled variety is cooked much more quickly. In addition, shelled peas break down during cooking and become creamy, so perfect for purees and better digestibility.
Pumpkin Pea Bowl with Herb Millet
Pumpkin is a good idea!1 daily serving for a 15kg dog (33 lb)This bowl is not only quick to make, but also packed with nutrients. Pumpkin is not without reason very popular, both in taste and with the high amount of vitamin A, or beta-carotene, and rich in potassium, the berry fruit. Yes, that's right: the pumpkin is one of the largest berries in the world. Together with millet, which provides a lot of magnesium and iron and is considered easy to digest, the duo is a nutrient bomb. The shelled peas add essential proteins and the sesame oil provides fatty acids, which are crucial for the absorption of fat-soluble components. Cilantro, like many herbs, also contains a lot of great properties, such as active ingredients that can help against nausea, flatulence and diarrhoea. And as always, do not use too much herbs and spices and chop everything finely.
What’s up with red cabbage?
Red Cabbage with Rice and Chickpeas1 daily serving for a 15kg dog (33 lb)
Almond Coconut Balls
A treat for our loved ones, made with just two ingredients by Karin from the FB group 'Vegan Hund!? Ja klar!' These little almond coconut balls are not only totally easy to make with only two ingredients, but are also the perfect treat for our four-legged friends. This shows once again that it doesn't always have to be super complicated, but that a great snack can also be made from two simple ingredients, which, by the way, not only tastes good for dogs, but can also tempt us to snack on them😉.AlmondsContain high quality protein, unsaturated fatty acids, magnesium, calcium and copper. They also have B vitamins and vitamin E.Coconut flakesAre rich in potassium, copper, magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorus and dietary fibre. They also contain vitamin B6 and pantothenic acid.
Beetroot Polenta Bowl
Beetroot and Polenta? 1 daily serving for a 15kg dog (33 lb)These are two great Foods that shouldn't be left out. Everybody surely knows the colourful root, some like it, others avoid it. But what is undeniable are the great nutrients it carries. Beetroot is a classic autumn and winter vegetable and can also be grown regionally. In addition, it contains the natural pigment betanin, which has antioxidant properties, is rich in secondary plant compounds and also provides plenty of iron and folic acid.Polenta scores well with its easy digestibility, high vitamin A content and minerals such as potassium, magnesium and iron. Together with lentils as a source of protein and the combination of sunflower seeds and rapeseed oil as a source of fat, this recipe is a real nutritional bomb!What's the Rice Cake for?The rice cake hardly has any flavour of its own, but it absorbs flavour and binds liquid even better. When the rice waffle absorbs the liquid, in this case from the lentils, it also gets a great consistency, slightly muddy, but still in a piece. Give it a try and let me know how you like it.
Potatoes with Spinach and fried Tofu
A dish from childhood days1 daily serving for a 15kg dog (33 lb)
Pea pralines with sweet potato slices and broccoli florets
Not just for dogs1 daily serving for a 15kg dog (33 lb)
Chard with Kidney Beans and Quinoa
Low purine for leishmaniasis1 daily serving for a 15kg dog (33 lb)This recipe by vet Lisa Walther from DietPet is especially suitable for dogs that have leishmaniasis and get Allopurinol. Also interesting for Dalmatians. Why, you find out here in our blog post.Tasty of course also for other dogs 😉Amount of PurineThe purine concentration is calculatively less than 20mg purine per 100g of feed and therefore in an ideal range.
Green Balls
With Pea and Fennel Puree1 daily serving for a 15kg dog (33 lb)It’s all in the mix! That sums it up quite well with this green feast for the eyes, because here there is both something to chew on and a nice creamy puree. The green colour, which is due to the peas in the recipe, is quite appealing too. Peas not only provide various B vitamins, but also score high in protein and are considered one of the oldest cultivated plants. Moreover, they can also be grown regionally and young, fresh peas are in season from June to the end of August. Together with fennel, which brings a lot of vitamin A, and the health all-rounder rolled oats, this dish is full of precious nutrients that provide the vital base for a balanced meal.Something for every tasteThe dish can also be prepared with balls only if your dog doesn’t like Puree (like Eddie😁, for example). In this case, however, the balls should not be fried so that V-Complete is not heated.Or, if your dog likes to eat mush, you can also offer everything in the form of puree. There are no limits to your creativity and your dog’s preferences.Or sometimes this way and sometimes that way. Variety is the key.How does your dog like it best? Drop us your comment below.
Carrot Chickpea bowl
With Hummus and Polenta1 daily serving for a 15kg dog (33 lb)Making your own dog food is simple and takes no longer than preparing your own meals. This Carrot Chickpea Bowl with Hummus and Polenta is a good example of a balanced, easy dish. Carrots are in season from early summer and available fresh and locally throughout the summer. It is also worth a visit to weekly markets, as fruit and vegetables from nearby cultivation are often available there. And in winter there are winter carrots, which are grown late, harvested late and then put into storage.This way we also have the delicious vital substance bombs available in the winter months. Carrots are full of precious nutrients, such as beta-carotene and dietary fibres like pectin, which have a positive effect on digestion. Chickpeas also provide valuable protein and are a great source of iron.
When Turnips & Bean Dumplings toast Breads
Soybean Dumplings with Turnips and Toast1 daily serving for a 15kg dog (33 lb)I made the serving a little bigger because Eddie is sporty. Adjust the amount according to your dog's needs, you know him best.Cooking soy beans yourselfIf you cook the soybeans yourself, use 100g of dried beans for this recipe, which is about the same as 300g of cooked beans after cooking. The beans can also be pre-cooked for a few days, then you can store them in a screw-top jar in the fridge and use them directly at mealtime, or put them in the freezer. That's how I like to do it, one part in the fridge, one part in the freezer, then you have the cooking effort for several servings in one go, save time and energy. Best of all, you can quickly have something on hand if you run out of ingredients.TipFor even more fun eating, I hide the bowl in the flat and Eddie then goes on a search. As soon as he has sniffed the bowl, which can also be above head height, he sits down and points. Then it's time to eat.Above all, you can quickly have something on hand if you run out of ingredients. Drop me a line in the comments about what you enjoy most about feeding.
Soup, mush and dumplings ‑ Preferences are diverse
Soup, mush and dumplings ‑ Preferences are diverseThe consistency is quite essential for the acceptance of food I have noticed. Eddie especially likes dumplings and vegetables that he can chew vigorously. Soup, on the other hand, he doesn’t like and he can’t be lured with mush. However, other dogs see this completely differently. Some like mush and other four-legged friends like soup to slobber on.Basically dog food should be prepared in such a way that it can be digested easily, e.g. by pureeing or cooking or both. In order to still get food for Eddie that he can grasp with his teeth and plunge into his throat, I like to make dumplings, coins or sausages out of a dough of e.g. lentils and oat flakes with V-Complete and oil. The whole thing can of course be mixed with some liquid into a mush. The vegetables are usually for chewing. Depending on the vegetables, the nutrients are absorbed even better by pureeing or grating.Soups can also be prepared very well and are particularly suitable for dogs that can chew badly or have only a few teeth. However, this is not a necessity for a soup preference.In order to maintain the dental health of your companion, it makes sense to regularly offer something hard to chew. You can use hard bread for this e.g.Also kibbles can be given dry for crunching, or soaked, so that it already dissolves. Everyone to their taste.What does your dog especially like?
Flakes on holidays in the Caribbean
Banana‑oatmeal treats for dogsA very simple recipe and quick to make.Recipe by Verena from the FB-group Vegan Hund!? Ja klar!
How to Cook Red Lentils
Makes about 3 CupsIt is not without reason that lentils have a reputation as a fitness food. They are a great source of protein and can also score with a lot of magnesium, which is important in metabolic processes and for the nervous system. They also bring a considerable amount of iron. Since they can sometimes cause flatulence, it is especially good to add savory to the boiling lentils. Savory helps with symptoms such as flatulence, but the herb can also strengthen the stomach in cases of diarrhoea, colic or gastritis.Lentil pureeIf you cook a different type of lentil instead of red lentils, you should puree them after cooking or mash them with a fork so that the hulls burst open and become easier to digest. Red lentils are already peeled and therefore fall apart very quickly on their own during the cooking process to become puree.
Sweet Potatoes
With Tanned Lentils and Kohlrabi Corners1 daily serving for a 15kg dog (33 lb)LentilsI usually cook the ingredients myself, but sometimes it has to be quick, then I take some out of a can. But today I did home cooking. Take 145 g of dried lentils and boil them in the double amount of water. I took brown plate lentils and added some savory to the cooking water, which improves digestibility. Dried lentils have a protein amount of about 23%.CuminLegumes are easier to digest if you add digestive spices, e.g. cumin. I like to use all the seeds and grind them fresh, then the essential oils come out directly at the moment. The cumin also has a delicious aroma and gives a great taste.
Today a Tasty Soup?
Vegetable Soup with Peas1 daily serving for a 15kg dog (33 lb)Also tasty with Leni Lecker HundeVurstTo get this soup extra tasty I recommend to use Leni Lecker HundeVurst.Take 50g of the Vurst, cut it into small pieces and fry with the vegetables. As the Vurst contains a lot of protein, reduce the amount of peas to 450g.