Update: Greta Edgar Refined Composition ist jetzt verfügbar. Lies, was es Neues gibt oder sieh Dir alle Details über Greta an.

Greta ist unser neues Alleinfutter von Vegan4Dogs. Entwickelt in Zusammenarbeit mit Experten aus dem Bereich der Tierernährung erfüllt es die Ernährungsanforderungen für eine ausgewogene Ernährung von (veganen) Hunden. Um deinen Hund mit Energie zu versorgen, kommt Greta mit leicht verdaulichem Reis in Bio-Qualität kombiniert mit Kartoffeln daher. Das Beste aus Erbsenprotein zusammen mit Linsen, Sonnenblumenkernen und Leinsamen versorgt deinen Hund mit Protein für den Erhalt des Stoffwechsels. Wertvolles Rapsöl ergänzt die Energie der Kohlenhydrate und gibt Kraft. Karotten und Rote Beete verfeinern den Geschmack von Greta. Bohnenkraut, Papayablätter und Fructooligosaccharide unterstützen die Verdauung und Cranberries fördern die Urinsäuerung. Meersalz und Algenmehl liefern wichtige Mineralien und werden durch sorgfältig ausgewählte Zusatzstoffe optimal ergänzt. Mit L-Carnitin und Taurin ist Greta eine vollwertige und ausgewogene Nahrung.


Reis (aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau 24%), Kartoffeln (23%), Erbsenprotein (9,5%), Rapsöl, Kartoffelprotein, Linsen, Sonnenblumenkerne, Leinsamen, Möhren, Bierhefe, Bananenmehl, Rote Beete, Monocalciumphosphat, Algenkalk, Cranberrys, Meersalz, Majoran, Bohnenkraut, Tomatenpulver, Liebstöckel, Seealgenmehl, Papayablätter, Fructooligosaccharide, Schizochytrium limacinum (reich an Omega 3)

Analytische Bestandteile und Gehalte

22,00% Rohprotein 11,20% Rohfett 2,60% Rohfaser 5,70% Rohasche 0,61% Kalzium 0,46% Phosphor 0,50% Kalium 0,35% Natrium 0,15% Magnesium 1,24% Lysin 0,53% Methionin 0,23% Tryptophan 3380 kcal /kg (umsetzbare Energie)

Ernährungsphysiologische Zusatzstoffe je kg

Vitamin A 10.000 i.E. Vitamin D3 (pflanzlich) 1.050 i.E. Vitamin E 105 mg Vitamin C (aus Natriumascorbylphosphat) 105 mg Biotin 200 µg Folsäure 0,4 mg Vitamin B1 5 mg Vitamin B2 8 mg Vitamin B6 4 mg Vitamin B12 80 µg Niacinamid 25 mg Calcium-D-Pantothenat 27,5 mg Cholinchlorid 600 mg Taurin 420 mg L-Carnitin 250 mg

Verbindungen von Spurenelementen

Kupfer (Kupfer-(II)-sulfat, Pentahydrat) 4 mg Zink (Zinksulfat, Monohydrat) 80 mg Selen (L-Selenmethionin) 0,2 mg

Native Gehalte

Eisen 195 mg Mangan 17,8 mg Jod 1,19 mg

Technologische Zusatzstoffe

Antioxidationsmittel: Stark tocopherolhaltige Extrakte natürlichen Ursprungs (Vitamin E) 70 mg


Kastanienextrakt 1 g
Bisherige Kommentare

How can i order for delivery to Australia? Your website keeps changing back to German language when i press English


Hi Gracie,
good to hear from you. Until now we only sell Edgar Greta in Europe. We are able to sell to retailers abroad, not directly to customers. So if you know a retailer where Greta fits into the product range we are delighted to hear about it. This way you could purchase Greta directly in Australia. Our English site provides all information about Greta, Pauline, Lorelai and V-Complete in English as well as recipe ideas for homemade vegan dogfood.
Best wishes from Berlin Leni


Hi im from italy can i buy it? Is it available?


Ciao Luca,
si, poi ordinare nel nostro shop online.
Saluti Leni


Hi Leni. I’m English but live in France in the Drome region. Is there any way I can order it to be delivered to me or a shop in the area ? Cheers, Matt.

Matt Norrey

Hi Matt,
yes, you can order directly in our Webshop.
All the best


hello, i saw you make 15Kg bag some weeks ago, do you remake it?


Hi Vincent,
we just ran out of the Test Version of our 14kg bags. We are already working on the actual 14kg bag but at the moment only the 5kg bag is available. We are giving our best to launch the big bag as soon as possible.
All the best Leni


Ok thank you very much Leni Lecker:)


Hello Leni,
Just wanted to thank vegan4dogs for making Edgar dog food. At first i found it difficult to make the switch for my dog to a vegan diet .I tried a couple of other brands. But the combination of ingredients and supplements helped me to make the switch to vegan. (some brands for example don’t add taurine, or use mostly cheap grain). Before people think I’am paid by vegan4dogs: I’am not (I wished :p).
Advice for other people who are in the process of switching to a vegan diet for the dog: taste it also for yourself. Some brands a very salty tasting, and some are very dull tasting. I know this is no science, but it gives you a bit of idea of what your dog is eating every day of his live.
Have a nice day, Mark


Hi Mark,
we are happy to hear that you and your dog fell in love with Edgar Greta. This gives us more motivation and energy to go on and create further delicacies and spread love throughout the species.
Animals Say Yeah!


can you advise? i would like to try your food but it looks like pet boutique only sells it in the large bags… is there any way to obtain a small bag to see if my dog does ok on it?
ive had to give away expensive dog food before becuase my dogs system seems finicky…she is on benevo non organic at the moment but im not thrilled with the ingredients and she doestn really love it…she did ok on the puppy food and would eat it but its too expensive for me to continue feeding it to a large dog.
…. i have had to give away bags of benevo organic, and greenpets veggiedog because her stomach wouldnt settle on the benevo organic, her digestive system was screwed up for weeks and it took a month to sort her back out to where she could even go back to the benevo regular and benevo puppy, whcih she had been eating previously with no problem. similarly with the greendog veggiedog, i tried her twice on it and she got blood in her stools both times, so intolerant of some ingredient. :/
so we would like to try edgar, but dont want to spend a hundred euro and then find out she cant tolerate the food :/
i live in ireland.
thanks very much.


Hi Kristen,
I am happy to get a message from you.
You are having quite an odyssey with your dog finding a suitable food.
I totally understand that it makes sense to start with just a small amount of food to try out. Just for that we have Edgar Greta Mini, 30g bags. You can order them directly from our Webshop
I hope that Greta suits your needs and will end the seeking for a new food.
All the best to you.


hi ,thanks, yes, thats the site i was talking about, i got it wrong! yes, we will try edgar as not really thrilled with the others. glad to see you replaced the leek as that has been one of my concerns.
thank you


Hi Maarten,
you can get Greta at
Rue Hors-château 8
4000 Lüttich
🇧🇪 Belgien
or through our Webshop.
All the best Leni


I have been feeding my 2 dogs Greta for the last 8 months, and one of my dogs has crystals in her urine. My vet says it could be the food. What is your advice?
Best wishes,


Hello Maria,
first thing is to see if you can get your dog to drink more water. Maybe you can feed Greta soaked in some lukewarm water, so that you can raise the daily intake of liquid.
Some vegan dogs have issues with urine which is not acidic enough. To acidify the urine you can try cranberries and also methionine can help.
It would be good to check what kind of crystals your dog has got, there are different kinds (struvite, calcium oxalate, cystine…).
You can check the pH level by yourself with strips from the pharmacy.
I would recommend to check all options again with your vet.
All the best Leni


Hi, I hope Edgar Greta is the one food that won’t give my dog itches in her ears (allergies). I made the transition from another vegan dogfood slowly and she has been on plain Greta for two days now. The smell is so good that even my kids wants to eat it. I just wonder how you manufacture Greta. I’ve heard meatkibbles get pressure cooked at very high temerature. Is the process the same with Greta?

Mikaela Kayl

Hi Mikaela,
happy to hear that you and your kids like the smell of Edgar Greta. It is manufactured in extruding process. The batter is shortly treated with steam and pressure through a helical mount and when extruding from the nozzle it’s cooling down quickly therefore the starch molecules break up and become easier to digest.
Fingers are crossed that your furry vriend gets better with the ears on Greta.


Hi there,
I am comparing vegan dog food brands, I like yours but I was wondering why is there no B12 supplement in your composition, when other brands do?
Thanks for the info


Hi Gwen,
you find the B12 supplementation in the Nutritional Additives per kg.
It’s 80 µg per kg food.
All the best


Ich vertsehe nicht die narhung empfelung für dass Greta food für mein hund. Wass heisst 1.4 vom körpergevicht? Mein hund ist 27 kg. Vieviel muss ich im pro tag geben?


Salut Diana,
27kg entsprechen 100%. 1,4% davon sind 380g.
Liebe Grüße Leni


Hi Leni
Ich möchte unseren Hund von BARF auf vegan umstellen. Ideal ist hierfür als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel V-Complete. Allerdings ist unser Hund allergisch gegen Bierhefe (und noch vieles mehr) , was im V-Complete drin ist. Deshalb habe ich bis jetzt noch nicht umgestellt. Ich selber ernähre mich auch vegan. Wie kann ich ihn gut umstellen, obwohl er Bierhefe nicht verträgt? Vielen Dank.
Liebe Grüsse,
Manuela aus der Schweiz


Liebe Manuela,
freut mich das du deinem Hund gerne veganes Futter anbieten möchtest.
Das ist allerdings ungünstig, wenn dein Hund keine Hefe verträgt, die in V-Complete enthalten ist. Es ist zwar nur eine geringe Menge, aber wenn es eine Allergie ist wird er es wohl nicht vertragen, oder?
Du könntest dir eine Ration berechnen lassen, z.B. von Tierärztin Lisa Walther von https://dietpet.vet oder Dr. Romberger von https://www.veganvet.info. Sie können dir bestimmt sagen, wie du am besten vorgehst wegen der Allergie.
Alles Gute für euch.
Liebe Grüße Leni


Hallo Leni, mein 13-jähriger Chihuahua leidet an Niereninsuffizienz, und soll Protein- und Phosphor-reduziertes Futter bekommen. Gibt es dafür eine vegane Option?
Liebe Grüße


Hallo Susanne,
am besten setzt du dich mit einer Ernährungsberatung in Verbindung. In vegan bieten das z.B. Tierärztin Lisa Walther von https://dietpet.vet oder Tierarzt Romberger von https://www.veganvet.info an.
Alles Gute für euch.
Liebe Grüße Leni


Hi Leni,
where can I buy Edgar Greta in Belgium? What are the prices?

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