V-Complete 4th Generation
What’s new?
Vegan dog nutrition is still quite a young area, which is why we check our products over and over again and see if we can do them even better.
With V-Complete 4th Generation we have developed a new feeding recommendation. The amount of food remains exactly the same, only the composition of the food has changed a bit.
From now on the protein source is in focus with 40% of the meal. Then come the delicious vegetables/fruits with their dietary fibres and vitamins with 30% proportion. Closely followed by the carbohydrate source with 28% of the ration. Oil must also not be lacking with 2% portion. Salt we have listed now individually. It has always been part of our recipe recommendations but again and again there are rumours around that salt is harmful for dogs. We want to quit that. Sodium and chloride are important e.g. for the water storage in the body and to keep the acid-alkaline balance as well as the neuromuscular excitability (cf. Ernährung des Hundes, Zentek, 2016). And of course salt tastes good. We recommend to feed 125mg per kg dog and day. For a 15kg dog that would be about 2g. At last you add as usual 2g V-Complete per 5kg dog to your prepared meal.
What has changed in the composition of V‑Complete
- No further addition of potassium, magnesium and manganese
- Reduction of vitamins E, C, B1, B2, B6, B12 and biotin, the amino acid cysteine as well as the trace elements iron, copper and zinc
- The amino acids methionine and tryptophan and the minerals calcium and phosphorus have been upped as well as L-carnitine, taurine and choline chloride
We have adjusted our recipe recommendations so now each one of the meals meets the nutritional requirements for adult dogs. They don’t stick 100% to our general feeding recommendation for V-Complete since we only want to provide complete recipes. Nevertheless our general feeding recommendation provides sufficient supply of nutrients in everyday use even if not every single meal is nutritionally complete. One menu contains a little bit more of one nutrient and the next menu of another nutrient thereby balancing the nutrient intake. We recommend to feed a varied diet so that the food doesn’t get boring for one thing and also to ensure the variety of nutrients.
We wish you enjoyable meal preparations with V‑Complete.