About Us
You ever heard of that? Sometimes there are moments that change everything. In our case it was the moment we met Eddie. Black Labrador Shepherd mix from the Berlin shelter, with drooping ears and sad eyes. Our motivation to develop healthy plant-based dog food.
The Vegan Dog
To feed a dog vegan is relatively easy if you deal with the nutritional needs of dogs. A balanced vegan dog diet requires a protein source, carbohydrates, vegetables, oil and a dietary supplement for home-cooked food.

Favorites in our Shop

Vegan dog food recipes
Leni loves cooking for our dog companion Eddie and feels his excitement more and more with each moment. The fact that he likes his dish and gobbles it up with gusto confirms our decision again and again. On our recipe blog, we share our favourite recipes for homemade vegan dog food with you!
You are not alone
… and we are becoming more and more. A plant-based diet is still a socially controversial choice, but check out the circle of vegan dogs. What a variety!
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A letter to you
In our newsletter, we want to give you a closer look at life with a vegan dog at your side. We want to show you how easy, exciting and fun it can be for you and your companion.